Thursday, April 6, 2023

Welcome to the Updated Blog!

Welcome to my new blog!  Though this blog has been around for years, I've recently added a twist.  It used to be just a photography blog that I would only post to every now and then.  My goal is to try and do a new post once a week or at the very least every other week.  Over the years, I've gained interest in more hobbies from baking, to sewing, to jewelry making, to graphic design.  I would love to share these creations with you here!  Everything I make here will be photographed.  When I capture any food, I will also make sure to include the recipe.  I've incorporated Exodus 35:35 in my blog logo because I wouldn't be here or have the ability to do any of these things without Jesus in my life and I'm excited to craft for him.  Thank you so much for allowing me to share these creations with you!


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