Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year because of the cheer that is spread and the meaning of giving is truly shown. It is also such a fun time of the year; all the lights, ornaments, pretty colors, the cheesy music, and so much more. Here are some photos I want to share with you. Enjoy and of course Merry Christmas! :) And this is my dog, Bonnie. :)
I've written poetry for years now and I was really inspired by my Grandmother who wrote a book called "Opening up Closets and Dumping out Drawers." In her book, she has written many poems all about the things she has gone through and how she feels. I think poetry is a beautiful way to express how you truly feel. I created this short video showing some of my poetry, how I feel, and how sometimes letting out so much emotion can overwhelm you. Enjoy!
Steve Cash and I were shooting some wine bottles for Chateau Morrisette. The two images on the top are what we shot before I retouched them, and the images below them are the ones after my retouching. Tell me what ya think!
I was driving by Lake Higgins near where I live and the sight was breathtaking of the fall trees over the water, so I parked my car nearby and took a panorama of it. Click on the image for a bigger view.
For the past 8 weeks, I have been on internship working with Steve Cash. He's an amazing photographer and I have learned so much from him. Here is his website, I was there at the studio one day and had my camera so I shot some various things I had with me and in the studio. Tell me what ya think!
These two lovely ladies are friends of mine and they really wanted to do some friend portraits. The places we went were around my house. They were a lot of fun to photograph. :D
Fall is my favorite season. I love seeing all the leaves change different colors and I also love playing in the leaves which I will never be too old to do. Fall also creates some gorgeous pictures and here are some that I took and would like to share with you. :)
This image is promoting an eye shadow. It is one of my favorite eye shadows because it is such a bright color and really makes your eyes pop which is what I'm trying to illustrate in this ad.